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It's The Manufictioners Club!

That's Zaheen, Karl, <name redacted until we get permission>, and Sean, L-R, plus some randos in the background we don't have names for, though their passionate fandom of the show should be noted. We love comics, sci-fi, and video games, but what unique perspective could we use in a podcast about them??

  • Extensive entertainment industry experience? Nope.
  • Comic and sci-fi writing? Nope.
  • Past lives as superhero archetypes foiling crime and terrifying normal citizens with our brutality? Nope.

With nothing else to offer, we bring our shared backgrounds in software development and technology as a way to analyze and discuss fictional technology. 

It All Began With Iron Man

In our podcast’s debut season, we broke down the tech behind the Iron Man armor from the Marvel comics and movies. This sparked an interesting exchange of ideas analyzing how the fictional Tony Stark might have defined the problem and planned the build.

That episode left the ground wide open for healthy debate and enabled many to add their unique voice to the conversation. All this took place in a fun atmosphere. Since then, we've delved into more absorbing topics of discussion.

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Ponder Every What If Question

Explore the fantastic gadgets, gizmos, ideas, and technological what-ifs that science fiction creators invent, reinvent, and immortalize. Join our community and take a unique approach to discussing these larger-than-life topics.